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Membership application

Register for membership in our association Queres Zentrum Mannheim e.V. using the form below.

    I hereby apply for admission to the association „Queeres Zentrum Mannheim e.V.“ (QZM) as

    Explanation: Supporting members are, for example, companies or associations. They pay a sponsorship fee and have no voting rights at the General Assembly. Ordinary members have the right to vote at the General Assembly and pay the reduced or regular membership fee.

    Personal data / contact person

    Private address / club address

    Contributions according to the contribution regulations

    We recommend that members with a higher income pay a higher contribution than those with less - no proof is required.
    People with special burdens (such as care work, chronic illness and disability, caring for relatives, debts, etc.) are encouraged to choose their membership fee according to their means. For members with no earned income, no pension, no retirement income or no comparable income, the monthly membership fee is 2.50 euros (30 euros/year).

    The monthly membership fee for members with taxable income is at least EUR 5.00 - an independent classification with the following guidelines is recommended here:

    I would like to support the QZM with Euro
    [group group-beitrage]


    I would like to pay in this cycle

    Association membership

    Supporting membership

    Contributions can also be adjusted in the ongoing year. A written notification to mitgliedschaft@qzm-rn.de is sufficient for this purpose.

    Membership is subject to the issue of a SEPA direct debit mandate.


    In accordance with § 33 of the Federal Data Protection Act, we would like to point out that the member data specified above is stored, processed and used in automated files for the purpose of member administration and support. We require your consent to this data processing in order to be able to check your membership application. The declaration of consent is voluntary. However, we would like to point out that it is not possible to apply for membership without the required consent.

    Right of withdrawal: Consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons. To withdraw your consent, please use one of the contact options listed in our privacy policy. You can download the privacy policy here einsehen. Durch den Widerruf der Einwilligung wird die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung nicht berührt.

    I hereby give my consent for the QZM to process the personal data collected about me in the above form for the purpose of membership administration and, if necessary, to pass it on within the QZM. This consent is voluntary and I can revoke it at any time without giving reasons. Furthermore, I confirm that I have taken note of the further data protection information of the QZM.

    SEPA mandate

    Here you will find the PDF for the SEPA mandate, which you should fill in and send to mitgliedschaft[at]qzm-rn.de. This PDF will also be sent to you by e-mail after submitting the above form. There is a separate document for minors.

    SEPA-Mandat-QZM Herunterladen
    SEPA-Mandat-Minderjährige-QZM Herunterladen
    QZM-Vereinssatzung Herunterladen

    Important note

    If you have problems with the form or do not receive an email from us, please contact us by email: mitgliedschaft[at]qzm-rn.de

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